Image Slider Post

  Phasellus porta, nibh quis viverra posuere, lectus dui consectetur purus, in placerat nisi orci eget dui. Fusce cursus sapien urna, at sollicitudin sapien sagittis non. Aenean suscipit scelerisque nibh at gravida. Vivamus pretium urna eu quam eleifend, eu...

Youtube Video Post

Phasellus porta, nibh quis viverra posuere, lectus dui consectetur purus, in placerat nisi orci eget dui. Fusce cursus sapien urna, at sollicitudin sapien sagittis non. Aenean suscipit scelerisque nibh at gravida. Vivamus pretium urna eu quam eleifend, eu fringilla...

Image Gallery Post

Phasellus porta, nibh quis viverra posuere, lectus dui consectetur purus, in placerat nisi orci eget dui. Fusce cursus sapien urna, at sollicitudin sapien sagittis non. Aenean suscipit scelerisque nibh at gravida. Vivamus pretium urna eu quam eleifend, eu fringilla...

Outdoor Adventure

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut hendrerit odio. Nulla aliquam facilisis tempus. Praesent sagittis tristique turpis, sed bibendum risus lacinia in. Cras et massa dignissim erat venenatis rhoncus eget vel libero. Aenean tellus sapien,...

Classes for the Gourd and Creative Art Show Are Now Online

The 2013 class list have been posted! It’s not the complete list, there are more on the way so stay tuned. Click below to see the classes: [gn_button link=”” title=”Gourd and Art Show...

2013 Show Forms Have Been Added

New show forms have been added to the site for our 2013 Gourd and Creative Art Show (under Events in the menu). Click here to visit the page now.

Turtle Pond

“Turtle Pond” is a large gourd, with the inside decoupaged with brown paper.  The turtle shapes have been burned before having the shell area built up with Apoxie  Sculpt.  The shell has been painted black, and then covered with dyed egg shell mosaic....

Petrified Gourd

This “Petrified Gourd” was originally made for the Purchase Award Competition  at the Gourd and Creative Art Show, 2012, Buckhorn, Ontario.   It has a slice of polished rock core embedded in the gourd, as well as inlace.  Pyrography has been used to add to...


“Desert” has a piece of dried cactus fibre from the Arizona desert inserted in the carved and black painted section.  The cactus fibre has also been painted black, before being highlighted with copper.  The body of the gourd is coloured using Adirondack...